Tuesday, September 11, 2012

U Mad Again???

welovefine.com ... is the best thing ever ... my classmates will be so annoyed ...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

U Mad?

I got it. It's epic. A little smaller than I thought it would be, but epic. THANK YOU GRANDMOTHER AND EARLY BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!!!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sparkle World

I recently subscribed to the awesomest magazine ever.

Sparkle World. I read it for the ponies, but I'm also a fan of Polly Pocket and Strawberry Shortcake. Ashleigh Ball (voice of Applejack and Rainbow Dash) and Andrea Libman (Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie) are in Strawberry Shortcake, a show on the Hub. There are posters and stickers, but the workbooks are just really easy math problems. I still got stickers!

Friday, July 13, 2012


I've decided to make my My Little Pony: The Next Generation into an animation on Scratch. I'm waiting for auditions now. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/spinachiskwl/2673174

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fruit Snacks


I was walking in the grocery store when I saw a box of those gummy fruit snack thingies and there was Twilight Sparkle on the front. I looked on the box and they had pictures of the gummies and they were obviously G3!!!!


I started screaming in the isle and people looked at me funny...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cutie Mark Crusaders

Am I the only one that noticed this? I was re-watching the very first episode, and I saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders huddling together from Nightmare Moon.
but don't they not know each other until Call of the Cutie?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mane Six Kids

Hi! Welcome to the My Little Pony fan club for Vermont and New Hampshire! I made this blog for bronies and pegasisters of all ages in Vermont and New Hampshire. I made this specifically for VT and NH because I am in eastern Vermont and I might want to schedule meet-ups once I get a bigger audience.

Here is a picture I drew of the children of the Mane 6. I think I might write a story about them.

Zip, Zap and Zoom are Soarin and Rainbow Dash's kids. Zip and Zoom are great flyers, but they are kind of mean to their sister, Zap, who is a scientist and an earth pony. Rainbow is not at all supportive of Zap not wanting to be athletic.
Gemma and Pearl are Rarity and Hoity Toity's kids. Gemma is really nice and kind of like Pinkie Pie. Pearl is a jewelry maker, but she is kind of a snob.
Woody is Fluttershy and Big Macintosh's son. He is really shy, but he loves to take care of trees and plants.
Ida Bartlett is Applejack and Forelle's (He's not in the show) daughter. Forelle is part of the Pear family, and he and Applejack sometimes fight about whether Ida should work for the Apple or Pear family, so she has no cutie mark.
Yipee is Pinkie Pie and Party Time's (Also not in the show) son. He is nothing like his parents at all. He doesn't really have friends, but he's a really good guitar player.